Utilizing over-the-top metaphors of “the ultimate advantage” to clearly deliver a message that RE/MAX makes you a real estate expert and gives you an Unfair Advantage, we leaned into sketch comedy inspired tropes juxtaposed with an absurd version of the world.

Building on a sketch comedy vibe, we utilized actual sketch performers giving the viewer clear authenticity from the first frame. Then, layered the comedic performances by developing secondary moments that both add to the richness and believability of the scene, as well as create a reason to watch the pieces multiple times.

Our creative and technical teams obsessed the realism of the CG and highly-composed worlds within a stylized look and feel to elevate the humor of these absurd scenarios. By focusing on the details of the familiar and true-to-life aspects we amplify and add to the outrageousness of the stories.

Live action content being shot in studio on green screen, required unique directorial and production pre-planning to help ensure all creative elements came together to sell in the fantastical nature of the storylines.

Ensuring all of the exaggerated elements collectively exist in service of the very real RE/MAX advantage, the live-action performances, CG components and composited environments of each piece were woven together to always magnify the feeling of winning with ease.